All posts by Larry Moore

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Goodbye Old Friend

Goodbye Red Brick House. You have been so good to us. You may have been a little rough when we found you, but we could see past your scratched floors, dingy paint, 1/2 peeled wallpaper, unfinished fireplace, bizarre basement layout, dead lawn, pink cabinets, carpeted bathroom, and so many other imperfections. We learned so much as we spent time getting to know you and fixing you up. You hold so many memories and have shared so many important moments with us. We will always remember you and hold you dearly in our memory. We hope to make our new house into as much of a home as you were for us. We love you.

The very last load. Incredible packing by Kathryn.

Thank you so much to all those that helped and supported us during this move. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Late Summer Happenings

This kid is just too funny!

Family fun up Hobble Creek canyon.

Meadows and vistas from Maple Mountain.

Evening dirt bike ride.

First day of Second Grade!!!

First day of Kindergarten!!!

Kathryn’s high school violin teacher does a Vivaldi Four Seasons concert every year with her students that will be graduating. This year she only had three violinists and so she asked Kathryn to fill in a season. She did wonderfully and we were all very proud of her!

The kids trying to make sense of the art on display at the Bountiful Davis Art Center where the recital was.

10 Year Anniversary

It’s incredible to think that I’ve been married to this fine lady for 10 years! It has been an incredible journey so far, with so many fun, exciting, challenging, and spiritual moments along the way. I love you Kathryn. Thank you for saying yes!

This year we had a bit of a different anniversary. Suzanne took the kids for two nights and we mixed in some play along with a huge house project getting our beloved red brick house ready to list.

Guys and Dolls play after a fancy dinner the kids wouldn’t have touched!

Working like crazy on the house getting it ready to list…

Golfing at Hobble Creek.

Then a bunch more working on the house getting it ready to list…

Then out to catch a movie, then back to working on the house getting it ready to list…

And finally, done! The photographer came to take pictures and we hopped in the car and headed out to get the kids and then continue on to Idaho for our Moore family reunion.

Lots of fun cousin time!

And hanging out time.

Checking out the last load of wheat from this years grain harvest.

Just in time before a huge rainstorm came through.

Really Great Grandparents getting a love.

Tie dye family photo.

Happy Anniversary Kathryn. I love you!