All posts by Larry Moore

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A Springy Winter

We’ve sure had a warm January.  It’s felt a lot like Spring.  We weren’t the only ones a little confused when Winter didn’t really come back from Winter break.  There were birds out chirping, the tulips started sprouting, and the bugs started hatching.  However, sure enough, winter did come back from break and we got a nice dumping of snow and we’re back to feeling like winter again.  Here are some fun happenings worth noting.

This is Eliza’s first person drawing, completely on her own and unsolicited and unprompted.  We were so proud of her!

Ashley has been making huge progress on her letters.  She will sing through the alphabet to figure out what letters she’s missing and then fill them in.  She did all of these all on her own, again unsolicited and unprompted.

Eliza and Kathryn got to visit me at work for some Greek-n-Go grub.

These girls were so cute in church.  We had to stop and grab some pictures of them in the gym.

Eliza just being here spunky little self.

Ashley being a fantastic helper.  Once Ashley got out there and opened the coop, she discovered that Whitey was busy laying eggs.  She talked to her for a little bit and then headed back in.

We had a great weekend celebrating Kathryn’s birthday. Thanks Tim and Suzanne for watching the girls while we partied! Kathryn’s birthday party song.

Ashley and Eliza built a rocket ship!

2017 Holiday Update

December was a record short month.  The time just flew by.  Here are some of the highlights.  The pictures speak for themselves.

Ornament decorating

Heber Creeper North Pole Express

Hawker holiday party

Christmas up in Idaho

I got this Knex Big Ball Factory when I was a kid.  We actually found the home movie where I opened it which was pretty cool.  Lots of people pitched in to help build it and it was a blast.  Mom said it felt like someone snuck in and opened up a present when we were working on it the day before Christmas.  The kids spent several hours entertained by it watching it go.  Pulling it out and building it was everything I hoped it would be and more.  It was like getting it all over again.  The sound of the balls going down the different tracks brought back so many memories of childhood.

Kathryn organized a caroling group here with the jingle bells we got from Santa on the North Pole Express.

Christmas Eve candle light dinner.

Dad reading from the scriptures.  Adding in some sections from the Book of Mormon was fun.

Christmas morning

Eliza was so excited by the bear in her stocking she didn’t even bother to take it out!

We enjoyed some great musical performances.

Visit up to the Petersons.  We really wished we lived closer together.  It was so much fun to go see them.

New Year’s Eve party!

Happy 2018!

December Dunes

This year I’ve been having a lot of fun with the dirt bike.  I’ve been on quite a few really great rides, plus I got the WR450F this spring.  I’ve wanted to get a steering stabilizer for a long time now, and I decided to ask for one for my birthday.   We encouraged anyone who wanted to to get a present to contribute cash towards the purchase.  The prize for the most creative way to give cash definitely goes to Kathryn’s siblings.  They got a paper treasure chest and packet it full of $1 bills and the max number of quarters you can take to the bank without having to pay a wrapping fee (we have a banker in the family).

December has been uncharacteristically warm this year, and I took advantage of a really nice short sleeve Saturday to install the stabilizer on my bike.  It was a good size job and took a couple hours.  With the stabilizer installed, I really wanted to get out on a ride and try it out.  After a couple of people had to change their plans and couldn’t make it, I was worried the ride wasn’t going to happen.  However, we made a last minute audible and decided that Kathryn would come down with me.  Should’ve thought of that a lot sooner!  Bethany was awesome and came and watched the girls.  We packed the atv and the bike on the trailer.  Together, they took up 100% of the space on the trailer, but they fit and that’s the important thing.   Then we headed down to the dunes.  It was such a nice afternoon down there.  So peaceful and quiet, and we just had a blast.

The steering stabilizer worked great.  I can’t wait to take it out one some more rides, especially those rocky trails up in the mountains.  Thanks to everyone who pitched in for the present.  This was a great birthday all around.

Fall Timelapse 2017

A little timelapse project from this year.  Last year, a perfect combination of weather made the walnut tree leaves all fall in one day.  That would have been awesome to get on the timelapse.  While that didn’t happen this year, we still had fun with this video.