All posts by Larry Moore

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Visit to Santa

Ashley has been begging to go see Santa for the last couple of days and we had a chance to go see him at our library.  Kathryn was off playing a gig, so it was just me and the girls.  The theory was that Eliza would be more agreeable with the idea of sitting on Santa’s lap if mommy wasn’t there.  Turns out it that had little to no effect on the outcome.  She was quite alarmed and burst into big tears as soon as she touched down.

Ashley seemed pretty pleased though.  When asked what she’d like for Christmas, she said “birthday presents.”  I guess we had a pretty good birthday if she’s wishing for more 🙂  Notice that she’s even holding a little toy Santa in her hands.

On this outing, Ashley learned how to say Merry Christmas and was very generous spreading the Christmas cheer with it.

After the Santa visit, we went and ran some errands.  On the way home, Ashley saw an advertisement for a burger and fries.  She burst out telling me how hungry she was and how we needed to get some.  So a couple of minutes later we found ourselves at McDonalds.  The play place is always a big hit with the girls.  Eliza even got in on the action.  She scaled the 18″ first step into the spiral staircase, and then proceeded to cruise up the stairs to the top.  She would wave and say hi as the other bigger kids ran by her.  With all the kids running by combined with spiral nature of the stairs, she was having a hard time getting back down.  Eventually I had to crawl in there and get her.


Ashley’s 3 Year Birthday

Ashley, how old are you?


Ashley was looking forward to eating on the red “You Are Special Today” plate.  This is one of Kathryn’s traditions mixed with the German Pancake tradition from my side.

When we asked Ashley what kind of cake she wanted, she consistently asked for a chocolate lion cake.  Kathryn delivered big time.

Treats for the friends party.

So happy to be the birthday girl!

Best. Day. Ever.

Sunday dinner at the Hawker house.  Let the party continue!




Ashley saw this tiger umbrella at the zoo one day with Adam and absolutely had to have it.  She was pretty distraught to leave empty handed.  We heard about Adam’s tiger umbrella for a good portion of the ride home.  This was a fantastic gift that put in major points for the favorite uncle position.


Putting it to good use in the rain the next day.  Check out that smile!


Scenic Scenery

Four years ago we were in this very same spot up at the cabin and took what we like to think of as a famous picture.  We have it printed on a huge canvas in our house.  Pretty amazing what can come off of a phone camera.  We’ve come back every year but this is the first time we’ve been there at the right time to capture an almost identical photo.

Fall 2012fall4-1

Fall 2016fall4-2

There were also these awesome leaves on the ground that had large droplets from the recent rain.  It was interesting how the water only stuck to the back side of the leaves.

Version 2

We drove the Alpine scenic loop and stopped at Cascade Springs.




On a separate drive we did the Nebo Scenic Byway.  We missed most of the colors, but the drive was still a lot of fun!  Here is the Devil’s Kitchen.