All posts by Larry Moore

I'm the maintainer of this site.


I went on a trip to Hood River Oregon this last week to help out with the first flight of a radar we installed on a Cessna up there.  I was lucky to get to go up in the plane and run the radar, and catch some good views of the Hood River valley.



Meanwhile at home, time flew by and a lot happened while I was gone.  Ashley has learned how to crawl backwards.  She will go until she runs up against some sort of barrier, then we pick her up and reset so she can do it again.  She is so excited about crawling that she practices when she should be sleeping.

She has said “officially” said her first word, “ma ma” 🙂

Also, Kathryn got a hair cut while I was gone.  She cut off about 8 inches!  …And she got her new phone.  This is the phones first family pic of many to come.